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Distance Baltimore Nashville by car on the highway

difference in time 1 hour
Baltimore 621 thousand
Nashville 530.9 thousand
1121.5 km 16 hours on the way by car on the highway
959 km moving in a straight line
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Baltimore – is a big city, which is located in Maryland, in USA and has topographic marks (39.29038 north latitude and -76.61219 east longitude). Today the population of the city exceeds 620,961 people. On the territory of the city is located "Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport" (BWI), which provides air traffic in world space. It is placed at a distance 13 km from Baltimore, which is quite convenient.

Nearest major to Baltimore cities:

To Dundalk 12 km
To Towson 13 km
To Glen Burnie 18 km
To Ellicott City 20 km
To Columbia 32 km
To Bowie 46 km
To Silver Spring 54 km
To Rockville 64 km
To Washington 64 km
To Gaithersburg 68 km

Nashville situated in Tennessee. Coordinates 36.16266 north latitude and -86.7816 east longitude. The city offers comfortable living conditions. The number of people living here is constantly growing. Today the population is a little over 530.9 thousand people. In the territory Nashville located airport - "Nashville International Airport" (BNA), which to go approximately 10 km.

Located near Nashville settlements, cities:

Hendersonville 29 km
Franklin 34 km
Murfreesboro 53 km
Clarksville 78 km
Bowling Green 106 km
Huntsville 178 km
Decatur 183 km
Chattanooga 212 km
Owensboro 215 km
Washington 1 071 km

Distance from Baltimore to Nashville — 1121.5 km. Traveling by car on the highway, you have to spend about 16 hours. It is possible that the trip will pass through federal highways. There are several routes to travel. To own calculate the distance between cities and choose the best route, use the universal technique (the route on our map). Distance Baltimore Nashville in a straight line 959 km or 595 miles.

Distance Baltimore Nashville by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

Cities are located in different time zones. Time in Baltimore and Nashville Different on 1 hour. Baltimore belongs to the utc zone -4, Nashville – to UTC-5. After arrival you don’t have to change the currency, use United States Dollar (USD) to pay for your purchases.

It is worth noting that Baltimore by the number of residents more than Nashville on 90,109 people.

For reference, in Baltimore there are about — 3.5 thousand streets and in Nashville — 7.5 thousand.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

Distance between cities

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