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Where is located Baltimore on the map of the USA show

current time 03:38
Baltimore Maryland USA #24U.S. city population
620,961 person lives in Baltimore
3,545 number of streets on the map

Where is located Baltimore on the map of the USA, show mark on Maryland, find out the coordinates Baltimore — 39.29038 n, -76.61219 east, and calculate the distance between cities possible using the Groute website.

Today in the territory Baltimore lives a little more 621 thousand men, women and children. Official currency — United States Dollar (USD).

Current time in Baltimore 03:38. Timezone Eastern Daylight Time UTC-4.

Where to go to fly from Baltimore:

"Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport" (BWI) 13 km
"Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport" (DCA) 61 km
"Dulles International Airport" (IAD) 82 km
"Lancaster Airport" (LNS) 96 km
"Hagerstown Regional Airport" (HGR) 107 km
"Harrisburg International Airport" (MDT) 112 km

Near Baltimore different cities are located, we calculated the distance to them, to the capital of the USA and collected the data in one table.

Nearest major to Baltimore cities:

To Dundalk 12 km
To Towson 13 km
To Glen Burnie 18 km
To Ellicott City 20 km
To Columbia 32 km
To Bowie 46 km
To Silver Spring 54 km
To Rockville 64 km
To Washington 64 km
To Gaithersburg 68 km

With Groute you can find out not only where it is located Baltimore on the map of the USA, that geographically it is located in Maryland, but also look at weather data for the last 5 years.

Distance between cities

Distance New York Philadelphia 152 km
Distance Philadelphia Boston 490 km
Distance Toronto Vancouver 4 230 km
Distance New York Los Angeles 4 491 km
Distance New York Boston 348 km
Distance New York London 5 572 km
Distance New York Paris 5 839 km
Distance New York Chicago 1 271 km
Distance New York San Francisco 4 677 km
Distance New York Baltimore 302 km
Distance Philadelphia Baltimore 158 km
Distance Baltimore Boston 641 km

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