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Distance West Linn Brussels by car on the highway

difference in time 9 hours
West Linn 25.1 thousand
Brussels 1 million
8167.8 km 117 hours on the way moving in a straight line
8168 km moving in a straight line
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West Linn – city with coordinates – 45.36568 north latitude and -122.61231 east longitude. Good location makes West Linn important transit hub on the map of the country. The urban population is about 25.1 thousand people.

Nearest major to West Linn cities:

To Portland 25 km
To Gresham 28 km
To Beaverton 30 km
To Vancouver 41 km
To Hillsboro 46 km
To Salem 68 km
To Albany 106 km
To Corvallis 129 km
To Springfield 170 km
To Washington 4 514 km

Brussels has coordinates – 45.36568 north latitude, -122.61231 east longitude. Population in Brussels growing steadily. Now the city has more 1 million people. Very close, located "Brussels Airport" (BRU), go to a place about 1 km.

Located near Brussels settlements, cities:

Schaerbeek 3.4 km
Antwerp 46 km
Ghent 57 km
Charleroi 61 km
Namur 64 km
Antwerpen 90 km
Brussel 95 km
Bruges 97 km
Liège 97 km
Tilburg 119 km

There are several ways to drive the distance. West Linn Brussels by car on the highway, which is 8167.8 km (or 5064.036 miles). Using the shortest route, you will get from West Linn to Brussels in 117 hours. We advise you to use the services of airlines, if possible.

Distance West Linn Brussels by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

For exact calculating the distance between cities and choosing a comfortable route, it is better to use a special calculator. Click the “Show Way” button for a more detailed study of your trip.

Cities are located in different time zones: West Linn in UTC-7, and Brussels in UTC+2. Time difference is 9 hours. After or before arrival, you will have to change the currency. United States Dollar (USD) to Euro (EUR).

Leaving USA, you enter the territory of another country — Belgium.

It is worth noting that West Linn by the number of residents less than Brussels on 993.9 thousand people.

For reference, in West Linn there are about — 574 streets and in Brussels — 1.3 thousand.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

Distance between cities

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