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Distance Urbandale Plantation by car on the highway

difference in time 1 hour
Urbandale 39.5 thousand
Plantation 85 thousand
2490 km 36 hours on the way by car on the highway
2121 km moving in a straight line
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Urbandale located in USA, it can be found at the following coordinates: 41.62666 north latitude, -93.71217 east longitude. Over the past years, there has been a steady increase in the number of people permanently living in Urbandale. Today it's a little over 39.5 thousand people.

Nearest major to Urbandale cities:

To West Des Moines 6.9 km
To Des Moines 13 km
To Ames 64 km
To Waterloo 186 km
To Iowa City 189 km
To Council Bluffs 203 km
To Omaha 219 km
To Bellevue 222 km
To Saint Joseph 280 km
To Washington 1 633 km

Plantation has coordinates 26.12759 north latitude, -93.71217 east longitude. Now the population of the city is increasing. To 2024 the number of people living on its territory amounted to a little more 85 thousand. Infrastructure development and economic growth contribute to this.

Located near Plantation settlements, cities:

Lauderhill 4 km
Sunrise 6.4 km
Davie 7.8 km
Fort Lauderdale 10 km
Tamarac 12 km
Margate 19 km
Coconut Creek 19 km
Pembroke Pines 20 km
Hollywood 22 km
Washington 1 659 km

You can drive the distance Urbandale Plantation by car on the highway, drive about 2490 km, a detailed description of the road is presented directly below the map. There are several route options. On the way, you can be from 36 hours to 39.1 hours. The distance is not small, perhaps it would be worth considering buying a ticket for an airplane or train. For exact calculate the distance between cities and travel expenses, use a special calculator program.

Consider buying a plane or train ticket, if possible, the route is quite long.

Distance Urbandale Plantation by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

These cities are located in different time zones. Time the difference is 1 hour. Arriving, you do not need to change the currency. As throughout the country, in Urbandale and Plantation used for payment United States Dollar (USD).

It is worth noting that Urbandale by the number of residents less than Plantation on 45.5 thousand people.

For reference, in Urbandale there are about — 337 streets and in Plantation — 616.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

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