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Distance Tucson Thakhek by car on the highway

difference in time 14 hours
Tucson 520.1 thousand
Thakhek 26.2 thousand
13314.8 km 190 hours on the way moving in a straight line
13315 km moving in a straight line
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Tucson located in USA, it can be found at the following coordinates: 32.22174 north latitude, -110.92648 east longitude. Over the past years, there has been a steady increase in the number of people permanently living in Tucson. Today it's a little over 520.1 thousand people. Near the city there is an airport "Tucson International Airport" (TUS), which to go approximately a couple of minutes, 1 km.

Nearest major to Tucson cities:

To Catalina Foothills 11 km
To Cochise 126 km
To San Tan Valley 148 km
To Chandler 159 km
To Gilbert 169 km
To Mesa 172 km
To Tempe 179 km
To Phoenix 187 km
To Scottsdale 188 km
To Washington 3 663 km

Thakhek has coordinates 17.40302 north latitude, -110.92648 east longitude. Now the population of the city is increasing. To 2024 the number of people living on its territory amounted to a little more 26.2 thousand. Infrastructure development and economic growth contribute to this.

Located near Thakhek settlements, cities:

Savannakhet 126 km
Udon Thani 250 km
Pakse 334 km
Vientiane 336 km
Sekong 419 km
Ninh Bình 514 km
Nam Định 546 km
Thái Bình 566 km
Da Nang 572 km
Hanoi 608 km

You can drive the distance Tucson Thakhek by car on the highway, drive about 13314.8 km, a detailed description of the road is presented directly below the map. There are several route options. On the way, you can be from 190 hours to 209.2 hours. The distance is not small, perhaps it would be worth considering buying a ticket for an airplane or train. For exact calculate the distance between cities and travel expenses, use a special calculator program.

Consider buying a plane or train ticket, if possible, the route is quite long.

Distance Tucson Thakhek by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

These cities are located in different time zones. Time the difference is 14 hours. Arriving, you need to exchange currency. United States Dollar (USD) to Laotian Kip (LAK).

Do not forget that this route passes through the border of another country. Explore this route well on the map.

It is worth noting that Tucson by the number of residents more than Thakhek in 20 times.

For reference, in Tucson there are about — 5.4 thousand streets and in Thakhek — 9.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

Distance between cities

Distance Houston San Antonio 314 km
Distance San Antonio Austin 128 km
Distance Phoenix San Diego 571 km
Distance Los Angeles San Francisco 615 km
Distance Los Angeles San Diego 194 km
Distance Los Angeles Paris 9 088 km
Distance San Francisco Paris 8 956 km
Distance San Diego San Francisco 808 km
Distance Los Angeles Amsterdam 8 942 km
Distance Los Angeles Mexico City 3 072 km
Distance Los Angeles Chicago 3 243 km
Distance Phoenix San Francisco 1 208 km

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