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Distance Toms River Lake Elsinore by car on the highway

difference in time 3 hours
Toms River 88.8 thousand
Lake Elsinore 51.8 thousand
4442.6 km 63 hours on the way by car on the highway
3865 km moving in a straight line
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Toms River located in New Jersey, in USA. Exact coordinates Toms River on the map: 39.95374 north latitude, -74.19795 east longitude. In the city lives 88,791 people. City is an important transport hub in the country's transit structure.

Nearest major cities to Toms River:

To Trenton 65 km
To Perth Amboy 68 km
To New Brunswick 69 km
To Edison 70 km
To Levittown 78 km
To Montgomery 81 km
To Cherry Hill 81 km
To Elizabeth 85 km
To Camden 88 km
To Washington 306 km

Lake Elsinore has coordinates 33.66808 north latitude, -117.32726 east longitude The number of people who live here permanently — 51,821. In Lake Elsinore transport infrastructure is developing. There is a railway station nearby on the territory of the city. Large roads pass through it.

Distance to settlements near Lake Elsinore:

Menifee 17 km
Perris 18 km
Murrieta 20 km
Temecula 28 km
Corona 35 km
Moreno Valley 37 km
Riverside 52 km
Mission Viejo 63 km
Lake Forest 81 km
Washington 4 225 km

To get from Toms River to Lake Elsinore, you need to drive 4442.6 km and a little over 63 hours. Distance Toms River Lake Elsinore can be reached by car or by rail. To exactly calculate the distance between cities, use a special calculator by moving the markers on the map. Get directions to get to your destination faster. We advise you to buy a ticket, if possible, the route is quite long.

Distance Toms River Lake Elsinore by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

Cities are located in different time zones, there is a time difference. She will be 3 hours. For purchases and payment of services in both cities is used United States Dollar (USD).

It is worth noting that Toms River by the number of residents more than Lake Elsinore on 36,970 people.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

Distance between cities

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Distance New York Dallas 2 485 km
Distance New York Baltimore 302 km
Distance Philadelphia Baltimore 158 km

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