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Distance San Ramon Lodi by car on the highway

current time 12:35
San Ramon 72.1 thousand
Lodi 62.1 thousand
112.3 km 2 hours on the way by car on the highway
73 km moving in a straight line
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San Ramon located in USA, it can be found at the following coordinates: 37.77993 north latitude, -121.97802 east longitude. Over the past years, there has been a steady increase in the number of people permanently living in San Ramon. Today it's a little over 72.1 thousand people.

Nearest major to San Ramon cities:

To Castro Valley 17 km
To Hayward 18 km
To Pleasanton 19 km
To Walnut Creek 19 km
To San Leandro 25 km
To Livermore 26 km
To Concord 28 km
To Union City 29 km
To Alameda 35 km
To Washington 4 513 km

Lodi has coordinates 38.13415 north latitude, -121.97802 east longitude. Now the population of the city is increasing. To 2024 the number of people living on its territory amounted to a little more 62.1 thousand. Infrastructure development and economic growth contribute to this.

Located near Lodi settlements, cities:

Stockton 23 km
Elk Grove 35 km
Manteca 40 km
Rancho Cordova 56 km
Sacramento 57 km
Tracy 58 km
Antioch 63 km
Arden-Arcade 65 km
Brentwood 67 km
Washington 4 436 km

You can drive the distance San Ramon Lodi by car on the highway, drive about 112.3 km, a detailed description of the road is presented directly below the map. There are several route options. On the way, you can be from 2 hours to 1.8 hours. For exact calculate the distance between cities and travel expenses, use a special calculator program.

Very sad, but the distance San Ramon Lodi by car on the highway and in a straight line are two different things. You will have to drive almost a half way, because the difference is – 39 km or 54% from the original distance.

Cities are located in one time zone. Time no need to set. Arriving, you do not need to change the currency. As throughout the country, in San Ramon and Lodi used for payment United States Dollar (USD).

It is worth noting that San Ramon by the number of residents more than Lodi on 10,014 people.

For reference, in San Ramon there are about — 1.2 thousand streets and in Lodi — 659.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

Distance between cities

Distance San Antonio Austin 128 km
Distance Phoenix San Diego 571 km
Distance Vancouver Calgary 1 281 km
Distance Los Angeles San Francisco 615 km
Distance Los Angeles San Diego 194 km
Distance Los Angeles Paris 9 088 km
Distance San Francisco Paris 8 956 km
Distance San Diego San Francisco 808 km
Distance San Francisco London 8 619 km
Distance Los Angeles Dallas 2 307 km
Distance San Jose San Francisco 78 km
Distance San Francisco Boston 5 002 km

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