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Where is located Ouani on the map of Comoros show

current time 22:25
Ouani Nzwani Comoros #6By population the city of Comoros
10,179 person lives in Ouani
0 number of streets on the map

Where is located Ouani on the map of Comoros, show mark on Nzwani, find out the coordinates Ouani — -12.13493 n, 44.42526 east, and calculate the distance between cities possible using the Groute website.

Today in the territory Ouani lives a little more 10.2 thousand men, women and children. Official currency — Comorian Franc (KMF).

Current time in Ouani 22:25. Timezone East Africa Time UTC+3.

To use the services of airlines, people who live in the city Ouani get to Dzaoudzi, where is the airport located, either fly away from the capital.

Where to go to fly from Ouani:

"Dzaoudzi Pamandzi International Airport" (DZA) 119 km
"Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport" (HAH) 136 km
"Pemba Airport" (POL) 434 km
"Soalala Airport" (DWB) 452 km
"Ampampamena Airport" (IVA) 470 km

Near Ouani different cities are located, we calculated the distance to them, to the capital of Comoros and collected the data in one table.

Nearest major to Ouani cities:

To Dar es Salaam 825 km
To Moroni 136 km

With Groute you can find out not only where it is located Ouani on the map of Comoros, that geographically it is located in Nzwani, but also look at weather data for the last 5 years.

Distance between cities

Distance Madrid Barcelona 616 km
Distance Vienna Salzburg 295 km
Distance Mumbai Delhi 1 398 km
Distance Cape Town Johannesburg 1 398 km
Distance Cairo Alexandria 9 358 km
Distance Athens Thessaloniki 499 km
Distance Perth Adelaide 2 547 km
Distance Paris Marseille 773 km
Distance Tbilisi Batumi 378 km
Distance Antananarivo Antsirabe 170 km
Distance Antananarivo Fianarantsoa 412 km
Distance Antananarivo Mahajanga 566 km

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