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Distance Newington Glassboro by car on the highway

current time 15:34
Newington 30.6 thousand
Glassboro 18.6 thousand
334.2 km 5 hours on the way by car on the highway
300 km moving in a straight line
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Newington – it is a city that is located in Connecticut, in usa. Coordinates. Newington on the map of the country – 41.6973 north latitude and -72.72283 east longitude The multinational population of the city is 30.6 thousand people.

Nearest major cities to Newington:

To New Britain 8.2 km
To West Hartford 8.9 km
To Hartford 9.5 km
To East Hartford 13 km
To Meriden 22 km
To Bristol 22 km
To Waterbury 40 km
To Hamden 41 km
To Springfield 53 km
To Washington 535 km

In Glassboro live 18.6 thousand people. The economic development of the city is due to a good location on the map of the usa. Coordinates Glassboro: 39.70289 north latitude and -75.11184 east longitude

Distance to settlements near Glassboro:

Camden 27 km
Cherry Hill 28 km
Vineland 30 km
Philadelphia 35 km
Wilmington 50 km
Levittown 65 km
Trenton 76 km
Stockton 98 km
Toms River 101 km
Washington 214 km

Distance 334.2 km from Newington in Glassboro by car you can drive on the highway for 5 hours. There are many bypass roads. Driving along this route will take a little longer.

Distance Newington Glassboro by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

There are other ways to travel between Newington and Glassboro. To choose the best way, you need calculate the distance between cities. Use our map for this, moving the route through the necessary settlements or cities, you can plan the route as you prefer. The distance and route will be created automatically.

There is no time difference between cities. You do not need to set the time again. Newington located in UTC-4, and Glassboro in UTC-4. You won’t have to change the currency. On the territory of both cities is used United States Dollar (USD).

It is worth noting that Newington by the number of residents more than Glassboro on 11,983 people.

For reference, in Newington there are about — 453 streets and in Glassboro — 353.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

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