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Distance Lampang Brändö by car on the highway

difference in time 4 hours
Lampang 156.1 thousand
Brändö 515
11062.1 km 158 hours on the way by car on the highway
7619 km moving in a straight line
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Lampang – is a small town, which is located in Lampang, in Thailand and has topographic marks (18.28554 north latitude and 99.51279 east longitude). Today the population of the city exceeds 156,139 people.

Nearest major to Lampang cities:

To Chiang Mai 99 km
To Tha It 138 km
To Mawlamyine 397 km
To Luang Namtha 501 km
To Vientiane 525 km
To Udon Thani 596 km
To Bangkok 607 km
To Bago 612 km
To Yangon 679 km
To Meiktila 1 009 km

Brändö situated in Archipelago. Coordinates 60.41257 north latitude and 21.04359 east longitude. The city offers comfortable living conditions. The number of people living here is constantly growing. Today the population is a little over 515 people.

Located near Brändö settlements, cities:

Esbo 208 km
Turku 101 km
Espoo 247 km
Tampere 257 km
Helsingfors 263 km
Helsinki 265 km
Mariehamn 266 km
Stockholm 394 km
Uppsala 397 km
Huddinge 410 km

Distance from Lampang to Brändö — 11062.1 km. Traveling by car on the highway, you have to spend about 158 hours. It is possible that the trip will pass through federal highways. There are several routes to travel. To own calculate the distance between cities and choose the best route, use the universal technique (the route on our map). Distance Lampang Brändö in a straight line 7619 km or 4724 miles. We advise you to use the services of airlines, if possible, the route is quite long.

It is important to note that the distance Lampang Brändö by car on the highway and in a straight line are two different things. You will have to drive almost a half way, because the difference is 3443 km or 45% from the original distance.

Cities are located in different time zones. Time in Lampang and Brändö Different on 4 hours. Lampang belongs to the utc zone +7, Brändö – to UTC+3. After or before arrival, you will have to change the currency. Thai Baht (THB) to Euro (EUR).

Know that when traveling along this route you will have to travel outside Of thailand and cross the border Åland.

It is worth noting that Lampang by the number of residents more than Brändö in 303 times.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

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