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Distance Indianapolis Detroit by car on the highway

current time 15:34
Indianapolis 829.7 thousand
Detroit 713.8 thousand
444.5 km 6 hours on the way by car on the highway
386 km moving in a straight line
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Indianapolis located in USA, it can be found at the following coordinates: 39.7684 north latitude, -86.15807 east longitude. Over the past years, there has been a steady increase in the number of people permanently living in Indianapolis. Today it's a little over 829.7 thousand people. Near the city there is an airport "Indianapolis International Airport" (IND), which to go approximately 0.2 hours, 13 km.

Nearest major to Indianapolis cities:

To Carmel 26 km
To Fishers 27 km
To Noblesville 37 km
To Anderson 65 km
To Bloomington 82 km
To Muncie 90 km
To Lafayette 101 km
To Terre Haute 123 km
To Hamilton 178 km
To Washington 914 km

Detroit has coordinates 42.33143 north latitude, -86.15807 east longitude. Now the population of the city is increasing. To 2024 the number of people living on its territory amounted to a little more 713.8 thousand. Infrastructure development and economic growth contribute to this. There is an airport in the suburbs — "Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport" (DTW). It can be reached in 0.4 hours (about 28 km).

Located near Detroit settlements, cities:

Windsor 2.8 km
Dearborn 15 km
Royal Oak 23 km
Dearborn Heights 24 km
Southfield 25 km
Saint Clair Shores 28 km
Taylor 29 km
Warren 31 km
Livonia 32 km
Washington 841 km

You can drive the distance Indianapolis Detroit by car on the highway, drive about 444.5 km, a detailed description of the road is presented directly below the map. There are several route options. On the way, you can be from 6 hours to 7 hours. For exact calculate the distance between cities and travel expenses, use a special calculator program.

Distance Indianapolis Detroit by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

Cities are located in one time zone. Time no need to set. Arriving, you do not need to change the currency. As throughout the country, in Indianapolis and Detroit used for payment United States Dollar (USD).

It is worth noting that Indianapolis by the number of residents more than Detroit on 115,941 people.

For reference, in Indianapolis there are about — 11.8 thousand streets and in Detroit — 2.8 thousand.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

Distance between cities

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Distance New York Indianapolis 1 144 km
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Distance Chicago Indianapolis 291 km
Distance Detroit Boston 1 137 km

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