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Distance Highland Park Oak Ridge by car on the highway

difference in time 1 hour
Highland Park 29.8 thousand
Oak Ridge 29.3 thousand
886.6 km 13 hours on the way by car on the highway
751 km moving in a straight line
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Highland Park – it is a city that is located in Illinois, in usa. Coordinates. Highland Park on the map of the country – 42.18169 north latitude and -87.80034 east longitude The multinational population of the city is 29.8 thousand people.

Nearest major cities to Highland Park:

To Evanston 18 km
To Skokie 20 km
To Des Plaines 26 km
To Mount Prospect 26 km
To Arlington Heights 27 km
To Waukegan 27 km
To Palatine 29 km
To Schaumburg 42 km
To Hoffman Estates 43 km
To Washington 1 158 km

In Oak Ridge live 29.3 thousand people. The economic development of the city is due to a good location on the map of the usa. Coordinates Oak Ridge: 36.01036 north latitude and -84.26964 east longitude

Distance to settlements near Oak Ridge:

Knoxville 35 km
Chattanooga 160 km
Johnson City 195 km
Asheville 219 km
Murfreesboro 262 km
Hendersonville 266 km
Cleveland 282 km
Greenville 304 km
Alpharetta 312 km
Washington 819 km

Distance 886.6 km from Highland Park in Oak Ridge by car you can drive on the highway for 13 hours. There are many bypass roads. Driving along this route will take a little longer.

Distance Highland Park Oak Ridge by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

There are other ways to travel between Highland Park and Oak Ridge. To choose the best way, you need calculate the distance between cities. Use our map for this, moving the route through the necessary settlements or cities, you can plan the route as you prefer. The distance and route will be created automatically.

There is a time difference between cities. The difference is 1 hour. Highland Park located in UTC-5, and Oak Ridge in UTC-4. You won’t have to change the currency. On the territory of both cities is used United States Dollar (USD).

It is worth noting that Highland Park by the number of residents more than Oak Ridge on 433 people.

For reference, in Highland Park there are about — 474 streets and in Oak Ridge — 808.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

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