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Distance Charleston Yuba City by car on the highway

difference in time 3 hours
Charleston 120.1 thousand
Yuba City 64.9 thousand
4534.3 km 65 hours on the way by car on the highway
3785 km moving in a straight line
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Charleston – medium-sized city with coordinates – 32.77647 north latitude and -79.93105 east longitude. Good location makes Charleston important transit hub on the map of the country. The urban population is about 120.1 thousand people.

Nearest major to Charleston cities:

To North Charleston 10 km
To Mount Pleasant 15 km
To Savannah 171 km
To Columbia 183 km
To Wilmington 269 km
To Rock Hill 295 km
To Fayetteville 322 km
To Charlotte 335 km
To Concord 374 km
To Washington 837 km

Yuba City has coordinates – 32.77647 north latitude, -79.93105 east longitude. Population in Yuba City growing steadily. Now the city has more 64.9 thousand people.

Located near Yuba City settlements, cities:

Rocklin 59 km
Roseville 59 km
Yolo 61 km
Woodland 61 km
Sacramento 68 km
Citrus Heights 68 km
Folsom 74 km
Arden-Arcade 76 km
Carmichael 79 km
Washington 4 368 km

There are several ways to drive the distance. Charleston Yuba City by car on the highway, which is 4534.3 km (or 2811.266 miles). Using the shortest route, you will get from Charleston to Yuba City in 65 hours. We advise you to use the services of airlines, if possible.

Distance Charleston Yuba City by car on the highway is slightly different from the distance in a straight line. You will lose a minimum of time.

For exact calculating the distance between cities and choosing a comfortable route, it is better to use a special calculator. Click the “Show Way” button for a more detailed study of your trip.

Cities are located in different time zones: Charleston in UTC-4, and Yuba City in UTC-7. Time difference is 3 hours. You will not have to change currency after arrival. In both cities use United States Dollar (USD).

It is worth noting that Charleston by the number of residents more than Yuba City on 55,158 people.

For reference, in Charleston there are about — 2.5 thousand streets and in Yuba City — 930.

km miles
Distance, km Distance, miles
Fuel consumption, liters Fuel consumption, gallons
Volume of the tank, liters Volume of the tank, gallons
Cost, USD Cost, USD

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