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Where is located Athina on the map of Greece show

current time 21:22
Athina Greece #2Greece by population
664,046 person lives in Athina
0 number of streets on the map

Location Athina noted on the map of Greece with special marker. Exact coordinates — 37.96956 n, 23.73044 east. You can zoom in and out to find out exactly where it is located Athina on the map of Greece. Using our routes you can calculate the distance between cities, to understand how far is Athina from other major cities.

According to our data, in Athina living more 664,046 people. The population is growing steadily. In the whole territory this region you can pay Euro.

Current time in Athina 21:22. Timezone Eastern European Summer Time UTC+3.

To make long-distance flights, people who live in Athina have to get to a nearby major city Athens, where is located airport.

From Athina to the airport:

"Athens International Airport" (ATH) 1.6 km
"Mykonos Island National Airport" (JMK) 154 km
"Araxos Airport" (GPA) 202 km
"Chania International Airport" (CHQ) 274 km
"Aktion National Airport" (PVK) 279 km

Near Athina different cities are located, we calculated the distance to them, to the capital of Greece and collected the data in one table.

Nearest major to Athina cities:

To Athens 2.2 km
To Peristeri 8.4 km
To Pireas 11 km
To Patras 212 km
To Heraklion 341 km
To Cycladen 356 km
To Iraklio 393 km
To Izmir 397 km
To Thessaloniki 502 km
To Corfu 514 km

With Groute you can find out not only where it is located Athina on the map of Greece, but also look at weather data for the last 5 years.

Distance between cities

Distance Vienna Salzburg 295 km
Distance Cairo Alexandria 9 358 km
Distance Berlin Hamburg 289 km
Distance Athens Thessaloniki 499 km
Distance Hamburg Munich 775 km
Distance Brussels Antwerp 46 km
Distance Brussels Ghent 57 km
Distance Paris Marseille 773 km
Distance Tbilisi Batumi 378 km
Distance Sofia Plovdiv 146 km
Distance Sofia Burgas 384 km
Distance Plovdiv Burgas 253 km

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